Sunday, August 1, 2010

June & July - Book of the Month

Hey Everyone! I do apologize for being so late with posting. Summer time is a busy time for all of us. I have been getting a little behind in my reading and I'm not completely done with this months book, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. But let's briefly cover A Room With A View.

A Room With A View:

This book, I'm not going to lie, was hard for me to sink my teeth into. For some reason I could not really get into the book. I think for me, it jumped around a little too much. So towards the end of the month I watched the movie. In most I would not recommend this, because movies tend to not follow the book closely. However, the BBC movie of this book does follow the book pretty closely and this help me out a bit.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society:

I love this book! I was not quiet sure I would, with the way it is written in letters but it flows so well. Juliet is a breath of fresh air. I love her candidness. This is definitely a must read, and a read again and again.

Questions (from the back of the book):

1) What was it like to read a novel composed entirely of letters? What do letters offer that no other form of writing (not even emails) can convey?

2) What makes Sidney and Sophie ideal friends for Juliet? What common ground do they share? Who has been a similar advocate in your life?

3) What were your first impressions of Dawsey? How was he different from the other men Juliet had known?

4) In what ways were Juliet and Elizabeth kindred spirits? What did Elizabeth's spontaneous invention of the society, as well as her brave final act, say aout her approach to life?

Looking forward to reading what you all thought of both books.

1 comment:

  1. Hey you guys! :) Long time, no see - from my end... Sorry - I've been kinda behind in reading... :S We're in the middle of preparing to move - you know how that can get - hehe. Good to 'see' you guys again! I've really been loving this book club! Miss you guys - wish we could actually do this in person. :)

    Anyhoo, so I kind of have to agree with you about 'A Room With a View', Court - it took me so long to get into it and I kept having to put it down and pick it up later, so I think I also lost the intended essence of it, if there was much. But it was o.k. I'm glad I finally get to say I read it - hehe. It's been on my list for forever, as it's been said to be a classic. I should definitely watch the BBC film of it. :)

    As far as 'Guernsey' goes... Well, I've actually just finished 'A Room With a View' exactly when I should've finished 'Guernsey', and I've just today received it from Amazon, so I haven't begun it. I'm a whole month behind you guys!! Yikes! :S Sorry... But how about I begin to read 'P.S. I Love You' along with you guys and then be able to discuss with you and I will definitely read 'Guernsey' in January - sounds like a good one! :)

    Thanks for all the questions - I will definitely answer the 'Dear John' questions very soon this week! Then I'll try and be caught up. :) Looking forward to 'P.S. I Love You'! Have a great week, guys! x
