Wednesday, September 22, 2010

'P.S. I Love You' Discussion Questions

Hey guys! Been a long time since we've read this one - I hope you can still remember the story and enjoy a discussion together - hehe. I look forward to hearing your ideas about this book. I really enjoyed it myself - very insightful into such an experience of loss and the end was quite refreshing. A good read, all around. :) I hope you guys enjoyed as well! So here are a few questions that may be able to spark our discussion for last month's book, when you have the time. Laters!

Keeping in mind that Ahern was 21 when she wrote 'P.S., I Love You', discuss her strengths as a storyteller. How effective is she at describing Holly's experiences? What do you think about the way in which she depicted the effects of such great loss? Could you imagine what it would be like?

How does the idea of "a list" come about? How does the list help Holly? Which item do you think was the most difficult for her, and why?

Overall, which item or items on the list move you the most? Why?

What did you think about Daniel? Did you think he and Holly were going to end up together ultimately? In what ways did he affect/help her in her healing process?

Discuss who experiences a transformation in 'P.S., I Love You'. Why is it important that we see the characters moving on? Who is Holly at the book's start, and at the book's end?

Share how 'P.S., I Love You' has affected you. Has it had any impact on your close relationships? How?

Can't wait to 'hear' your answers. :) I wish we could meet in Starbucks or something - hehe. Enjoy your week!


  1. 1. Wow! 21?! I think, especially for that age, her writing is very concise and well developed, detailed, but not over the top. I really enjoyed it - an easy read, yet very insightful, and the details really enriched it. Very effective. Very realistic - I felt that she succeeded in describing what it might be like to experience such a loss. I could 'feel' Holly's torment. I still cannot truly imagine what losing a spouse would be like... Wow. Especially that young ... Tragic story.

    2. I think the list idea was so neat and personal, developing as time went on into a list of things that he knew would improve her life, and to teach her how to build a more independent and confident character, in an environment without him. I think it truly helped her grow and learn to move on without forgetting him. How difficult! He was strong when she couldn't be. It seemed that the most difficult item on the list was the karaoke challenge (haha) and ridding the house of all his belongings, for different reasons - she had had such a bad experience with the karaoke thing before and hated the very thought of it, and emotionally, getting rid of everything of Gerry's that helped to remind her of him in the physical world would be a really difficult thing to do... She only wanted him to be near her, so this was torture. Also, his 'permission' to fall in love again had to be one of the hardest... But they all helped her in such a great way in the end.

    3. For me, the holiday and the sunflowers and seeds. :) He knew her so well and what she would need right when she would need it, which said a lot to me. She probably wouldn't have gotten out of the house and on holiday if he didn't tell her to. The sunflowers were special - she loved those flowers and needed something to brighten her world.

    4. I really appreciated Daniel. I did feel in the beginning that they may end up together, but then as the book progressed, I began to doubt it. I think he would be good for her, but she didn't seem quite ready for that step yet. I know it would be hard for me to move on to someone else after losing my husband, even after years, but I also believe it to be healthy if it happens, depending on the situation and persons involved. I think Daniel helped her in such a big way, providing a true and pure friendship for her in her time of need for just that. She needed someone to really listen and to support and encourage her in her development and healing. He provided that in a way that her girlfriends or siblings couldn't quite match. She also needed someone to make her feel special, and he did without intruding on her privacy.

    5. Besides Holly, I think Ciara experiences a significant transformation in her character, but more so, Denise and Sharon also experience huge changes in their lives and views on everything. Denise settles down like she never had before, and Sharon's whole world changes when she finds out she's pregnant, etc. But the obvious, of course, is Holly. At the beginning (just after losing Gerry), she is more dependent, scared, and lost (naturally), but by the end, she has much more confidence, independence, and direction in her life - she has transformed into something stronger. She doesn't forget Gerry, but she can live without him there.

    6. The book really made me think about what I value in my husband, family and friends, and what's truly important - a lot of self reflection. It makes me want even more to take advantage of and enjoy every moment I have with the special people in my life, to be grateful for everything I have. I think, in the end, the book had a very positive outcome and taught me to be more aware of how I live my personal life and where I should improve.

  2. This is by far one of my favorite books of all time. I was hesitant to read it at first because the movie was sooooo great. But this book is 10 times better!

    1. It is hard to comprehend that someone so young could write with such emotion and passion. She is very effective at making you feel how deeply Holly is hurting and feeling. I don't know if I could even imagine loosing a spouse. I have lost friends and family and have hurt deeply with those loses. But, the lose of a child or a spouse is completely different than any other lose.

    2. The list came about as sort of a joke. Gerry was teasing Holly that before he died that he was going to have to make a list of things for her to remember to do. I think its a brilliant idea actually. The list helped her become independent and helped her keep living even without Gerry. One of the hardest that she had to do would be the karaoke when she ran to the bathroom. But what could have been one of the hardest as well is where she went after Daniel.

    3. That is a hard one. I'm not sure. I would get a knot in my throat with each one.

    4. Daniel is man among men. Class "A" type. The way he was introduced into the book, she did it in such a way that it made himself seem like the next love of her life. But it became apparent a lil way in that it was not going to happen.

    5. This is a good one. I agree with you that Ciara has most defiantly one of the most significant. She stops running. Denise finally finds her man, and Sharon becomes a mom.

    6. This book makes me want the deep love that Gerry and Holly had.
