Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Book of the Month Discussion Questions

Hello again, my lovely reading companions! :) Sorry I'm a bit late with the questions for our September book, Danger in the Shadows by Dee Henderson. I seriously loved this book - thanks, guys! I hope you did too! Wow - Dee Henderson!

1. What do you think of Dee Henderson as a Christian author? How effective are her characters and plot lines in this sense?

2. Danger in the Shadows speaks a lot about sacrifice. Lifetime dreams must be given up, plans fall away, happiness seems so out of the characters' control, terrible decisions must be made - all because of an obsessive and cruel man. Discuss what effect this has on the characters and their hopes and lives, as well as how sacrifice may affect your own life.

3. In what ways does Adam help Sarah in her situation and in her growth?

4. The book focuses significantly on God and trust in Him. What do you feel about His implied response to Sarah's situation? What does He seem to be doing in her life and those around her?

5. How did you feel in the end when her kidnapper had finally been done away with and she could finally begin to obtain closure and begin her life again? What kind of freedoms does she regain?

I can't wait to hear what you guys think of the book! :) Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Incredible! When I initially began reading, I didn't know she was a Christian author - or really anything about her - and I found it so refreshing and well done! Both with her word usage and plotlines, she is one star of a writer. She writes in such a real way - the prayers that her characters offer to God aren't at all superficial and the experiences they have with fear and doubt and joy all greatly enrich the story. Each character is real and the story is so touching. This book, moreso than most others I've read, truly made me think and reflect on myself and my relationship with God and where I want it to be. I couldn't put it down! I definitely want to read more of her.

    2. My heart was continually breaking for Sarah, her brother and Adam. How often they had to change their plans for the sake of safety. Every decision, every step, was life and death. How terrifying, uprooting and unfair! Sarah and Adam have finally found in each other what they've been needing and hoping for - and they are both scared of what will happen if they give into it. How difficult that would be to make such decisions and to have to say 'no' to what they both know is right for them. I would be so angry if I couldn't be free, if every decision depended on the one man whom I could hardly forgive, who had taken my sister and best friend. Sarah feels so stunted and caged - Dave feels restricted and defined by this man - Adam feels helpless and angry for her. All their lives must be put on hold or practically put on the back burner all together. It's such a tragic, yet beautiful story.

    3. For me, Adam seems such an incredible character - a rock of a person. Although he is scared, his sole desire is to comfort, protect and care for Sarah - he feels he can do nothing else. She becomes his life, practically and emotionally. I think he helps her in such a great way - in that he is her constant support and encouragement, he listens, protects, loves unconditionally, he is the one thing that can be almost separate from her situation, he gives her hope and is her connection to a 'normal life'. With him in her life, yes, she must make even harder decisions, but it makes her realize what's most important and gives her more courage to end this horror, to not give up. Such an amazing man. :)

    4. Was it 25 years since her kidnapping when the book is set? I can't remember, but I know that it was such a very long time - how horrible to live in constant fear for so long and to be ever reminded of her sister's death! She constantly had to trust in God - her only hope and comfort was to be connected with Him. Yet He didn't seem to be there much of the time. He seemed sort of absent and she felt abandoned. It's one of those 'bad things happening to good people' scenarios. But, in such a wonderful way, He shows His love in little spurts of joy, in the small things, and of course, in the complete freedom He gives her in the end, AFTER she has learned life long lessons and grown stronger. I love it! Praise God for His all knowing love.

    5. Oh my word, I practically jumped for joy FOR her! I was so relieved - physically and mentally - haha! What an immense miracle. And she is finally able to begin to build on all those childhood (and adulthood) dreams - to finally marry and have her lovely family, to go out without thinking of what level of security she'll need, etc. Bless her, she deserves it! :) What a great ending. I mean, you know as you begin reading that in the end, he will finally be caught, but it's so suspenseful in the process! Great read!
