Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year - Happy 2011!

Hello our online friends! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season. I want to apologize for lack of posting in the last couple months. Some how the end of the year just got away from us. However, a couple of us discussed the book options for this year. We decided to scale down from one book a month to four books for the year. I hope you enjoy our choices, and maybe next year we might add more, but let us see if this works better with everyone's schedule.

Our first book is Prince Caspian by: C.S. Lewis. This book is for January-March 2011. We will log in on the last Thursday of March to discuss the book. We are still working on the last book for the year. As soon as we have that will post it in the list on the side column. Hope you enjoy!


  1. This is fantastic - a great prospect - I'm really looking forward to this new year with you guys and bookclub again! And these books :) Yay! Thanks and talk to you soon!

  2. I am looking forward to this years book list too. Good luck and speedy reading. Enjoy!
