Friday, January 20, 2012

New Year

Hello all! I hope that you had a fantastic Christmas and New Years and my I wish you the best new year possible. Sorry that we kind of dropped the ball towards the end of last year. This year we thought we would try something a bit different. Instead of having an assigned book list to read for the year and posting questions and answers, we have decided that we are going to write posts about whatever we are reading. Hopefully this will spark some questions, discussions and some new interest in books you may not have heard about or just have not gotten to yet.

Happy reading! Looking forward to seeing what you are reading...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

On to 3rd quarter!

What a fine book Emma was! I hope you also enjoyed it as I did. Already now we are in the 3rd quarter! I can't believe it. This quarter's book is the lovely Agatha Christie's mystery 'And Then There Were None'.


I have read this before - and loved it! - but it's been a while, so I'm very excited to read it again and I hope that, whether you are reading it for the first or for the fifth time, you enjoy it greatly. This is the only book of Agatha Christie's that I've read, but I'd love to read much more - she's an amazing author! Have fun and can't wait to discuss it with you and see what you think.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Emma - Book of the Month

Hello all, I am sorry that I am just getting this posted. I have really become a Jane Austen fan and this is the third book of her's that I have had the privilege of reading. I hope you all enjoyed it as much I did.


1. When we first meet Emma we find out that she was the youngest of two daughters that early on in her life lost her mother. I have never experienced that type of loss and I do not know how I would handle loosing my mother at such a young age. Her father becomes extremely protective of both of his daughters. Do you think it is over board or perfectly right and why?

2. Do you have a Mrs. Weston in your life? Explain.

3. Do you have a Mr. Knightly in your life? Explain.

4. Have you ever been so wrapped up in your friends lives that you forget about your own? Explain.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April, May & June - Emma

Hello all! I hope you enjoyed our first book of the year. Now it is time to head onto our next book. Our book for the months of April, May and June will be Jane Austen's "Emma". Austen was a brilliant writer and I hope that you enjoy this book.

Happy reading!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

January-March "Prince Caspian"

Hello all! I hope that you have enjoyed our first book of the year. Heading into this bookclub a year ago, I had never read any of C.S. Lewis' "The Chronicles of Narnia" I had only watched the films that had been released. I have been enjoying going through this series and I look forward to reading the rest of them in the following years.

"Prince Caspian" is an amazing book and I could not wait to finish it. When the book started off and the kids (Peter, Susan, Edmond and Lucy) were not in Narnia, the land that they loved, I felt for them and could relate as well. They were just waiting to go back as soon as Alsan, and I have been in that situation more than one time. The spiritual analogy that can be drawn from that is a lesson that most adults have trouble learning. The lesson being that everything happens in God's time. That is one thing I love about Lewis' writings, he presents these lessons in a way that people can understand/relate to.


1. Compare "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" and "Prince Caspian."

2. How could Caspian not know that he was the real prince and that his uncle was not really king?

3. What would your first reaction be to walking back into your home, and realizing it was your home but that it had been destroyed?

4. Out of the Narnians that were laying low, there seemed to be an fog of skepticism amongst them as to whether or not Aslan truly cared what happened to them. Which of the warriors do you think had the most heart and faith that he would save them?

5. Which character do you think you relate to the most and why?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year - Happy 2011!

Hello our online friends! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season. I want to apologize for lack of posting in the last couple months. Some how the end of the year just got away from us. However, a couple of us discussed the book options for this year. We decided to scale down from one book a month to four books for the year. I hope you enjoy our choices, and maybe next year we might add more, but let us see if this works better with everyone's schedule.

Our first book is Prince Caspian by: C.S. Lewis. This book is for January-March 2011. We will log in on the last Thursday of March to discuss the book. We are still working on the last book for the year. As soon as we have that will post it in the list on the side column. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Book of the Month - October

Hey guys! I hope you're thoroughly enjoying your reading wherever you are. :) This month's book is Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey - yay for the return of Jane Austen! I love her works! It's always such a pleasure reading her, isn't it? Well, have a great experience, whether it's the first time you're reading it or the 5th! Hehe.